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Ministry of National Food Security and Research jobs 2022| Department of Plant & Protection

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The Ministry of national food security and search is an organization of the government of Pakistan and its department plant production head office is located at Jinnah avenue Malaria halt Karachi, is looking for young talented, professional, and experienced candidates. Applications are invited for the different positions on a regular basis in the department of plant protection. Plant & protection is the department of the Ministry of National Food Security that is involved in different food-related projects in different areas of Pakistan.

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Males and females are eligible for these positions from all over Pakistan. The Ministry of national food is looking for an assistant director, Entomologist, steno typist, senior aviation mechanic, clerk, Junior accountant, storekeeper, LDC, junior aviation, field assistant driver, etc. These positions are from BPS-15 to BPS 1 and the total number of positions that have been announced in the department of plant & Protection is 393. These positions are on a province quota basis or region quota basis, and the quota is for Punjab Sind KPK, and Balochistan. Qualifications Required for these positions are graduate intermediate literate and expert is in their skills. All other details a mention on the official website and these vacancies have been announced in that daily newspaper on 25 September 2022.

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OrganizationMinistry of national food security and research
departmentplant protection
QualificationsBachelor, intermediate, matric
no of vacancies393
genderMales females
Age18-35 years
Short details

List of Vacancies of October:

The Ministry of National Food and Security plant and Protection department has announced new vacant positions on 5-October 2022. And these positions are 200+.

  • Locust Assistant (Survey & control, Early Warning)
  • IT Specialist
  • Assistant Director
  • Entomologist


The last date of these updated positions is 27-oct-2022.

Vacant positions:

name of vacancybasic pay scale No of positionsage limitqualifications & Experience
senior aviation mechanic13920-35matric with science
 7 years evolution experience or diploma in polytechnic mechanical Radio and electrical trade
steno typist14318-25intermediate with 80 by 40 wpm speed in
 shorthand and typing respectively.
 upper division clerk11118-25intermediate
Junior accountant10118-25second division or grade c intermediate in commerce
 with 2 years experience
store keeper10718-25second class a grade c intermediate with
 2 year experience in relevant field
Locust assistant11320-35graduate capacity of undergoing hard desert life women in eligible
 lower Division clerk9218-25matriculation with 30 wpm
driver4320-35literate knowledge of local direct-to-use experience skillful
 with HTV License within 2 years of appointment if not already available
 women in eligible
field assistant6220-35FSC agriculture experience of work in some entomological or botanical department matric with long experience of agriculture work or
 1-year diploma from agriculture colleges
 women in eligible
junior aviation mechanic9520-35matric with science 3-year aviation experience for diploma in polytechnic mechanical or radio and electrical trade
 women in eligible
fitter5320-35school education up to class 8 professional certificate in auto diesel with 1 years of experience and maintenance and repair of vehicle or 5 years experience as a fitter in empty workshop of standing
 women in eligible
nayab Qasid11918-25primary
fieldman5220-35matric preferably knowledge of diseases plants and insect pest
 women in eligible
driver SG51520-35lite literate 5 years of experience of heavy driver in desert and field due to a vehicles
 including emergency roadside repair
 during field and desert duty women ineligible
cleaner aviation1218-25primary
cleaner motor12218-25primary
Vancies Details


The last date for The Ministry of national board security and Research’s latest jobs is 10th October 2022.

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Eligibility criteria

Candidates you want to apply for in the department of plant production Ministry of national food security and Research must made the following criteria.

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  • Candidates can apply from all over Pakistan
  • Candidates must make the qualification or experience criteria.
  • The quota of all the region or province is mentioned so that candidates must have the relevant domicile of the district in which he is going to apply.
  • The quota for women minority and disabled persons will be observed as prescribed under the rules.
  • The age of candidates must be in between 18 to 35 years and maximum age relaxation will be given under the prescribed rules.

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How to apply

Candidates our advice to apply for the ministry of national food security and research

  • Eligible candidates reply through the national job portal
  • Candidates already in Government services may apply through the proper channel.
  • Selected candidates must have the original set of documents along with attached copies of their all documents at the time of the interview

Click here to apply online for the Ministry of national food security and research Vacancies 2023

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