Monday, February 17, 2025

Inter University Essay Writing Competition by Higher Education Commission

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On the happiest occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Pakistan Higher Education Commission with the Ministry of Planning Development and Special Initiatives and both of them collaborated is conducting inter-university Essay writing competitions in Urdu as well as in English. University students who are very good at self-writing they can write a comprehensive essay are encouraged to apply for this opportunity. It’s a great chance for the youth to display their extraordinary writing skills and win a national award that can be beneficial for many students in the future.

A specific topic of English and Urdu will be given to the students and they have to make a comprehensive essay on it. Candidates from all over Pakistan can apply for this competition.

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Topics of the Essay:

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In the English language topic is:

  • Development Journey of Pakistan from 1947 to 2022; Lessons Learnt viz-a-viz Developing Countries
  • Pakistan at 2047: National Youth Aspirations

And in Urdu Language the topics are:

(۱)   پاکستان  کی ترقی  کا  سفر (۱۹۴۷ تا ۲۰۲۲):  ترقی پذیر ممالک سے تقابلی جائزہ

(۲) کا پاکستان :  نسل نو کی امنگ ۲۰۴۷ 

Prizes for the Position Holders:

There are cash prizes will be given to the top 10 students that contain:

1ST Position                         500,000 Rs.
2nd Position                         300,000 Rs
3rd Position                         200,000 Rs
4th to 10th Positions         100,000 Rs each

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The last date to apply for the essay writing competition is 26th August 2022. Now extended to 6th September 2022.

Eligibility Criteria:

The eligibility Criteria for this essay competition are as follows:

  • Candidates must be a regular students of the University
  • The age of the candidate is not more than 25 years
  • Must be a Pakistani citizen
  • The essay word count must be in between 2500-3000 words
  • English essay type in Time New Roman size 12. Line spacing 1.5 and covert to pdf file
  • Urdu essay must be typed and converted to a pdf file
  • Candidates can select only one topic and only one language

How to register:

  • The essay should be submitted with a duly filled registration form
  • Duplicate entries will be disqualified
  • HEC reserves the right to reject any or all entries without assigning any reason
  • Essay along with the registration form is to be emailed and hard copies of the same to be sent through the post to the following address:

Official Address:

Ms. Saher Mirza
Assistant Director ( Academics)
Higher Education Commission
H-8, Islamabad

Email Address:

Click here to get information about HEC Essay writing competition

Click here to download Registration for MS Word Format
Click here to download the registration form in PDF Format

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