Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Pakistan Post Announced 4000+ Vacant Positions 2022

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Pakistan Posts is an important department of the Ministry of Communication and it is one of the reliable ways of communication. Applications are invited for the citizens of Pakistan to apply for the various positions in Pakistan posts located at different locations.

Both males and females can apply for these jobs. Candidates who meet the qualifications and other criteria are encouraged to apply In Pakistan Post for the latest vacancies. Pakistan Post office announced these vacancies in each region of Pakistan and in total these vacancies are 4,497. Candidates are encouraged to apply in it.


OrganizationPakistan Post
LocationAll over Pakistan
GenderMales, females
Age18 to 28
QualificationsPrimary to Graduation
Short details


The last date is to apply within 15 days of official advertisement and that was 18th August 2022 now extended to 27th August 2022

Vacant Positions:

Name of PositionGradeNo of PostsQualifications 
Directorate General Pakistan Post Islamabad ASPO/ AS MST
Assistant Superintendent  Postal ServiceBPS-1422Graduate and
Must successfully in the competitive exams
Assistant Superintend
Mail, Sorting& Transportation
BPS-148Graduate and
Must successfully in the competitive exams
Vacant Positions


Application for the above-mentioned posts should be sent at the following address:

ASSISTANT DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERAL (ER) Directorate General Pakistan Post G-8/4, Islamabad

Directorate General Pakistan Post Islamabad
Data Entry OperatorsBPS-143Grade C or 2nd Div in Graduation
10,000 keywords impressions as Entry operators
Steno TypistsBPS-143Intermediate with 80/40 W.P.M 
Upper Division ClerkBPS-112Intermediate from a recognized institute 
Lower Division ClerkBPS-93Matric with typing speed 30 wpm 
DriverBPS-45Primary Pass
Driving License
Duplicating Machine OperatorBPS-41Middle
Proficiency in handling different type of duplicating machines
CarpenterBPS-31Primary Pass
Proficient in his work
PlumberBPS-31Primary pass
must complete practical test
MaliBPS-14Primary pass
3 year practical experience
Compete successfully in practical test
Sanitary workerBPS-13Primary pass
3 year practical experience
Compete successfully in practical test
Naib QasidBPS-12Primary pass
Compete successfully in practical test
Security GuardBPS-12Primary pass
Compete successfully in practical test
AttendantBPS-11Primary pass
Proficiency in Cooking food
Vacant Positions


Application for the above-mentioned posts should be sent at the following address:


ECO Postal Staff College Islamabad
DriverBPS-42htv Driving License
Compete Successfully in test
CarpenterBPS-31Primary Pass
Proficiency in job
MaliBPS-11Primary Pass
Proficiency in job
Sanitary workerBPS-12Primary pass
3 years of practical experience
successful in test
Security GuardBPS-11Primary pass
successful in test
Vacant Positions


Application for the above-mentioned posts should be sent at the following address:


FC& GB Circle Islamabad
Postal ClerkBPS-935Intermediate 
DriverBPS-44htv Driving License
Compete Successfully in test
CarpenterBPS-31Primary pass
Proficiency in job
Successfully in the practical test
PlumberBPS-31Primary pass
Proficiency in job
Successfully in the practical test
Stamp VendorBPS-33Middle
successful in competent test
Mail Peon/
successful in competent test
The extra departmental agents will be given preference
Must compete successfully in the exam
Primary pass
Able to read and write
proficiency in cooking
Naib QasidBPS-14Primary
Must compete successfully in test
Sanitary workerBPS-12Primary
Must compete successfully in test
3-year practical experience
Security GuardBPS-14Primary
Must compete successfully in test
Vacant Positions


Application for the above-mentioned posts should be Send at the following address:


Southern Punjab Circle Multan
UDCBPS-115Intermediate from a recognized institute 
Typing speed 3p wpm
Postal ClerkBPS-9128Intermediate 
Delivery AgentBPS-74Matric
possess a motorcycle with a license
successfully compete in written test
DriverBPS-44htv Driving License
Compete Successfully in test
Stamp VendorBPS-31Middle
compete successfully in test
The extra departmental agent will give preference
Mail Peon/
compete successfully in test
The extra departmental agent will be given preference
compete successfully in test
The extra departmental agent will be given prefrence
compete successfully in test
Extra departmental agent will be given preference
3 years experience
successfully complete test
Naib QasidBPS-15Primary
Compete successfully in test
Office PeonBPS-13Primary
Compete successfully in test
Orderly PeonBPS-12Primary
Compete successfully in test
Sanitary workerBPS-14Primary
3 years of relevant experience
Compete successfully in test
Security GuardBPS-15Primary
Compete successfully in test
3 years of relevant experience
Compete successfully in test
Vacant Positions


Application for the above-mentioned posts should be Sent at the following address:


Northern Sindh Circle Hyderabad
Steno TypistsBPS-141Intermediate
Min speed 80/40
Must be computer literate
UDCBPS-113intermediate oor equivalent 
LDCBPS-91Matric with typing speed 30 wpm 
Postal clerkBPS-973Intermediate 
Delivery AgentBPS-74Matric
Must possess a Motorcycle with a License
Compete successfully in test
DriverBPS-45htv Driving License
Compete Successfully in test
CarpenterBPS-31Must be able to read and write native language
Proficiency in job/ trade
Compete successfully in practical tests in relevant trade
Stamp VendorBPS-32Middle
Must compete successfully in the exam
Extra Departmental Agent will be given preference
Mail Peon/
Must compete successfully in the exam
Extra Departmental Agent will be given preference
Must compete successfully in the exam
Must compete successfully in the exam
Extra Departmental Agent will be given preference
AttendantBPS-13Primary Pass
Must be able to read and write
Proficiency in Cooking
3 years relevant experience
Compete successfully in test/job/ trade
3 years of relevant experience
Compete successfully in test/job/ trade
Naib QasidBPS-13Primary
Compete successfully in test/job/ trade
Office PeonBPS-13Primary
Compete successfully in test/job/ trade
Orderly PeonBPS-11Middle
Compete in Test/trade
Extra Departmental agents will be given preference
Sanitary workerBPS-11Primary
3 years of relevant experience
Compete successfully in test/job/ trade
Security GuardBPS-18Primary
Compete successfully in examination
3 years of relevant experience
Compete successfully in test/job/ trade
Vacant Positions


Application for the above-mentioned posts should be Send at the following address:

DY. POSTMASTER GENERAL (ADMN) Office of the Postmaster General, Northern Sindh Circle, Hyderabad.

Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Circle Peshawar
UDCBPS-115Intermediate or equivalent 
LDCBPS-92Matric with 30 wom 
Postal ClerkBPS-9254Intermediate or equivalent
from recognized University
SorterBPS-926Intermediate or equivalent
from recognized University
Delivery AgentBPS-74Matric
possess a motorcycle with a license
successfully compete in written test
DriverBPS-44Primary pass
Valid driving License
Compete successfully in practical test/ trade
Stamp VendorBps-31Middle
Compete successfully in Test/trade
Extra Departmental agents will be given preference
Mail Peon/
Compete successfully in Test/trade
Extra Departmental agents will be given preference
AttendantBPS-12Primary pas
able to read and write
Proficiency in cooking
3 years of experience
compete successfully in relevant test/ trade
Naib QasidBPS-17Primary
Must compete successfully in the exam
Sanitary workerBPS-16Primary
3 years of working experience
Must compete successfully in exam
Security GuardBPS-13Primary 
Vacant Positions


Application for the above-mentioned posts should be Sent at the following address:

DY. POSTMASTER GENERAL (ADMN) Office of the Postmaster General Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Circle, Raza Khan Shaheed Road, near Edward College, Peshawar 25000.

Central Punjab Circle Lahore
Sub Engineer CivilBPS-141Matric
3 year diploma in civil Engineering
Data Entry OperatorsBPS-1412nd class, grade C, Bachelor degree with computer/ Science/ Stats/ Maths/ Physics/ 
UDCBPS-115Intermediate from recognized institute 
Proficiency certificate of training course of 12 to 18 months of Fitter or Machinisy from Technical Training center recognized by Gov of Pak
Postal clerkBPS-9297Intermediate 
Delivery AgentBPS-79Matric
Driving License
Diploma in dispensing from recognized government intistute
Pick up CourierBPS-76Matric
Driving License
Assistant delivery AgentBPS-48Middle
Can ride a motorcycle
Possess valid License
Successfully compete in practical test
DriverBPS-49htv Driving License
Compete Successfully in test
Stamp VendorBPS-38Middle
Compete successfully in Test/trade
Extra Departmental agent will be given prefrence
Mail Peon/
Must compete successfully in Test
Must compete successfully in Test
Must compete successfully in Test
Able to read and write
Proficient in Cooking
CarrierBPS-11Able to read and write
Proficient in his work

Must compete the practical test in relevant field conducted by Assistant Engineer
Compete successfully in prescribed test
3 years relevant expereince
Compete successfully in test
Naib QasidBPS-116Primary
Compete successfully in proficiency exams
Orderly PeonBPS-13Primary
Compete successfully in proficiency exams
Sanitary workerBPS-116Primary
3 years relevant expereince
Compete successfully in test
Security GuardBPS-111Primary
Compete successfully in proficiency exams
3 years of relevant experience
Compete successfully in test
Wireman( Electric)1 Primary
Government License of Wireman
Vacant Positions


Application for the above-mentioned posts should be sent at the following address:

DEPUTY POSTMASTER GENERAL (ADMN.) Office Of Postmaster General, Central Punjab Circle Lahore.

Azad Jammu Kashmir Circle Muzafarabad
Min speed 30 wpm
Must be computer literate
Postal ClerkBPS-943Intermediate 
Delivery AgentBPS-72Possess Motorcycle
Driving License
Compete successfully in relevant exams
DriverBPS-44Htv Driving License
Compete Successfully in test
Stamp VendorBPS-32Middle
Compete successfully in Test/trade
Extra Departmental agents will be given preference
CarpenterBPS-31Able to read and write
Proficient in his work

Must complete the practical test in the relevant field conducted by Assistant Engineer
Mail PeonBPS-242Middle
Compete successfully in Test/trade
Extra Departmental agents will be given preference
Mail  RunnerBPS-233Middle
Compete successfully in Test/trade
Extra Departmental agents will be given preference
Naib QasidBPS-12Primary
Compete successfully in proficiency exams
Security GuardBPS-14Primary
Compete successfully in proficiency exams
Vacant Positions


Application for the above-mentioned posts should be Send at the following address:


Metropolitan Area Karachi
Sub Engineer CivilBPS-142Post-Matric 3 Year civil Engineering diploma
Practical Experience
Steno TypistsBPS-142Intermediate 80/40 typing wpm speed 
UDCBPS-119Intermediate from a recognized institute
3 weeks basic IT training course by NITB during the probation period
Typing speed 3p wpm
Post ClerkBPS-987Intermediate 
TechnicianBPS-91Post matric Proficiency certificate of the trade training course of 12 to 18 months of Fitter or machinists from Technical training center recognized by the Government 
Store KeeperBPS-91Matric
Diploma in dispensing from recognized government institute
2 years of experience in the relevant field at a hospital
Delivery AgentBPS-74Matric
Must possess a driving License
DispenserBPS-71Matric with Science
Diploma in Dispensering
DriverBPS-44Primary pass
3 years of practical experience
Valid LTV Driving License
Duplicating Machine OperatorBPS-41Middle
Proficiency in handling different type of duplicating machines
Must compete successfully in practical test in handeling documents
Mail PeonBPS-259Middle
Must compete successfully in Test
Extra Departmental persons will be preferred
PackerBPS-288Middle Pass
Must compete successfully in Test
Extra Departmental persons will be preferred
PorterBPS-266Middle Pass
Must compete successfully in Test
Extra Departmental persons will be preferred
ChowkidarBPS-16Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in Test
FarashBPS-12Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in Test
MaliBPS-13Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in Test
Naib QasidBPS-12Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in Test
Orderly PeonBPS-11Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in Test
PeonBPS-13Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in Test
Sanitary workerBPS-16Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in Test
3 years of work experience
WatermanBPS-11Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in Test
Security GuardBPS-12 Primary Pass
Must successfully compete in the examination
Vacant Positions


Application for the above-mentioned posts should be Sent at the following address

DEPUTY POSTMASTER GENERAL (ADMN) Office of the Postmaster General Northern Punjab Circle, R.A Bazar, Rawalpindi 46000

Balochistan Circle Quota
Steno TypistsBPS-143Intermediate
Minimum speed of 80/40 in shorthand/ typing respectively
Computer literate
Postal ClerkBPS-981Intermediate or equivalent 
SorterBPS-917Intermediate or equivalent 
Delivery AgentBPS-73Matric
Having a Valid Motorcycle
DriverBPS-43htv Driving License
Compete Successfully in test
Mail PeonBPS-252Middle Pass
Compete successfully in test
External Departmental agent will be preferred
Mail RunnerBPS-21Middle Pass
Compete successfully in test
External Departmental agent will be preferred
PorterBPS-214Middle Pass
Compete successfully in test
External Departmental agent will be preferred
PackerBPS-21Middle Pass
Compete successfully in test
External Departmental agent will be preferred
AttendantBPS-13Primary Pass
Must be able to read and write
Proficiency in Cooking
MaliBPS-12Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in the examination
Naib QasidBPS-13Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in the examination
Office PeonBPS-13Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in the examination
Orderly PeonBPS-11Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in the examination
Sanitary workerBPS-15Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in the examination
3 years of practical experience
Security GuardBPS-17Primary Pass
Must compete successfully in the examination
Vacant Positions


Application for the above-mentioned posts should be Sent at the following address

DY. POSTMASTER GENERAL (ADMN.) Office of the Postmaster General, Balochistan Circle Quetta

Chief Controller of Stamps Karachi
UDCBPS-114Intermediate or equivalent recognized board of intermediate/ education board 
LDCBPS-92Matric with typing speed 30 wpm 
CarpenterBPS-31Must be able to read and write native language
Proficiency in job/ trade
Compete successfully in practical tests in relevant trade
Mail PeonBPS-22Middle Pass
Must compete successfully in Test
Extra Departmental persons will be preferred
Naib QasidBPS-11Primary
Must compete
Successful Examination
Sanitary workerBPS-12Primary
Must compete
Successful Examination
3 years experience
Vacant Positions


Application for the above-mentioned posts should be Sent at the following address:

DEPUTY CONTROLLER OF STAMPS Office of the Chief Controller of Stamps St-3, Sector -26 Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi.

Application Procedure:

Candidates are advised to write their complete name post name and office address at the envelope and attach all the relevant documents with it.
Candidates must send applications via the Urgent Mail service.
Attach the receipt of 500 Rs/- with your application.

  • Only eligible candidates will be called for a test/ interview
  • Bring CNIC only at the test center
  • Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets are not allowed at the center.

Apply Now through the official Pak POST OFFICIAL WEBSITE

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