Tuesday, February 11, 2025

CICOPS Scholarship Program 2025 in Italy

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A huge opportunity for international students to pursue their higher education in Italy is the CICOPS Scholarships offered by the Universita Di Pavia of Italy. Academics and other researchers from Developing Countries who wish to carry out research in collaboration with a professor at the University of Pavia are welcome to apply. Applicants must have the support of a collaborator at the University of Pavia who invites them with a formal invitation letter. Applicants who want to do research under the Committee of International Corporation and Development Scholarship Program must have an invitation letter from the Universita Di Pavia, otherwise, they are no eligible for this scholarship.

Applicants must have at least two years of either teaching experience or activity in international organizations and institutions. According to the World Bank Classifications, CICOPS scholarships are foreseen for research collaboration in the short period to encourage the mobility of researchers from Developing Countries. Applicants enrolled in a Doctoral or Postgraduate Course at an Italian University are not eligible to apply. Study in Australia

The CICOP Scholarship will allow the selected students to stay at the University of Pavia for research purposes for 4 to 12 weeks within two Windows of the year first window will be from January to July 2025 and the second will be from September to December 2024. The decision of the selected students will be announced in June 2024 by the CICOPS Selection Committee.


HostUniversita Di Pavia
ProgramCICOPS Scholarships
CoverageFully Funded
Fields of StudyResearch Students
Eligible countriesMultiple
GenderNot Specified
Short details

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates need to meet the following requirements of the CICOPS Scholarship Program:

  • Applicants from developing countries are eligible to apply
  • Applicants must have at least two years of either teaching experience or activity within international organizations and institutions.
  • Scholarships are designed for both junior and senior members of Universities in Developing
  • Countries or members of major research centers and international organizations or institutions with specific interest in the field of development studies.
  • CICOPS scholarships are reserved for research collaboration in the short term to encourage researchers’ mobility from developing countries.
  • Applications must be supported by a letter of invitation from a professor at the University of Pavia, someone who would work with you on a joint research project whilst in Pavia.
  • Applicants enrolled in a Doctoral or Postgraduate Course at an Italian University are not eligible to apply.

Scholarship Period:

The CICOPS Scholarship Period will be from 4 to 12 weeks, To encourage contact between staff and students, the period of stay should take place within the following dates: January 13th – July 20th, 2025, and September 8th – December 21st, 2025.

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Scholarship Benefits:

Once the candidates are selected for the scholarships the University of Pavia will award the following benefits to the candidates:

  • A Special cases a contribution for visa issuing will be granted)
  • book a return flight ticket (economy class)
  • stipulate a health insurance policy and personal accident insurance;
  • arrange accommodation at a University College for the period of stay in Pavia;
  • provide a card for meals at University canteens;
  • pay the contribution in research and other activities
  • The hosting Department will guarantee access to all the necessary facilities for study and research activities (libraries, computer facilities, etc.).


Applications must be sent no later than May 31st, 2024 by filling out the online application form on the CICOPS website. Are you interested in the METI Japan Internship Program

Require Documents:

The following documents should be uploaded to the online form:

1. Curriculum vitae ideally in European format with a list of publications

(file to be named: Surname_Name_CV)

2. Invitation letter from the professor or researcher with whom you intend to collaborate 1

(file to be named: Surname_Name_Letter)

How to Apply:

  • Candidates need to apply online for the CICOPS Scholarships
  • Fill out the online Application Form
  • Attach all the required documents with it
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