Tuesday, February 18, 2025

MEXT Undergraduate Scholarships in Japan 2025

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This is a great opportunity for undergraduate students to study in Japan on a fully funded Scholarship Program. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study at Japanese national universities as Undergraduate Students under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program. Candidates who are enrolled in an undergraduate course at a university or are receiving preparatory education in the Japanese language and other subjects before placement at the university. Candidates need to choose their field of study before getting the scholarships in Japan. MEXT will select international students from all over the world who meet the requirements and have good academic records.

Candidates who will be granted the MEXT Scholarships at the Undergraduate Level must keep in mind that the first year will belong to the preparatory education and Each grantee will be enrolled at a preparatory educational institution designated by MEXT for the first year of the scholarship period. The preparatory course is a one-year intensive course in the Japanese language and
other subjects necessary for preparation for proceeding to university. Applicants who have sufficient Japanese language proficiency may request to enroll directly in their university
without taking the preparatory education course. The decision on universities of applicants who are eligible for direct placement shall be made by MEXT in consultation with the relevant university, based on the preference of each applicant

After one year of the preparatory education grantee will be rolled into the University for the University education, and the MEXT Consultation and Preparatory Educational Institutes will choose the University in Japan. The scholarship period for the undergraduate Program in Japan is five years. For enrollment in the MEXT Undergraduate Scholarship Program for the academic year 2025, candidates are advised to apply in April of 2024.

MEXT Scholarships are fully funded it will cover the education fee for successful candidates and will award the monthly stipends and living Allowance to stay in Japan. Travel and transportation expenses are included in the MEXT Scholarship Package. Candidates who are interested in joining Japanese University through the MEXT Scholarship must meet the requirements and follow all the Do’s and Dont for a successful application Process. UNESCO Fellowship Program in Polland


ProgramMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
InstituteMultiple Universities of Japan
Eligible NationalitiesMultiple countries
GenderNo preference
Program offeredUndergraduate
No of SeatsMultiple
Ageborn on or after 2000
Enrollment StartedApril
Short details

Fields of Study:

The following fields of study are offered for undergraduate Programs by MEXT Japan: Do you want to study in Spain Barcelona?

Social Science and Humanities A:

  • Law
  • Politics
  • Pedagogy
  • Sociology
  • Literature
  • History
  • Japanese Language
  • Others (excluding Economics, Business Administration, and, Others in Humanities B.)

Social Science and Humanities B:

  • Economics
  • Business Administration
  • Others (Accounting, Financial economics, etc.)

Natural Sciences A:

  • Science (Mathematics 2. Physics 3. Chemistry)
  • Electric and Electronic Studies
  • Electronics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Information Engineering
  • Mechanical Studies
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Naval Architecture
  • Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Civil Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Chemical Studies
  • Applied Chemistry
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Industrial Chemistry
  • Textile Engineering
  • Other Fields (Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Maritime Engineering, Biotechnology)

Natural Sciences B:

  • Agricultural Studies: Agriculture, Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Engineering, Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine, Forestry, Food Science, Fisheries
  • Hygienic Studies: (Pharmacy, Hygienics, Nursing)
  • Science ( Biology)

Natural Sciences C:

  • Medicine, Dentistry

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Eligibility Criteria:

Candidates need to meet the following criteria for MEXT Scholarship 2025:

  • Applicants must have the nationality of a country with diplomatic relations with Japan.
  • Applicants, in principle, must be born on or after April 2, 2000.
  • Applicants who have completed 12 years of schooling in countries other than Japan. (Applicants who will meet the above condition by March 2025 are eligible. or
  • Applicants who have completed their studies at a school equivalent to a Japanese upper secondary school in countries other than Japan.
  • Applicants must be willing to learn Japanese. Applicants must be interested in Japan and be willing to deepen their understanding of Japan before and after arriving in Japan
  • Applicants must submit a health certificate in the prescribed format signed by a physician attesting that the applicant has no physical or mental conditions hindering the applicant’s study in Japan.
  • Applicants must be able to arrive in Japan between April 1, 2025, and April 7, 2025.

Scholarship Benefit:

The following benefits will be granted to the successful candidates under MEXT Undergraduate Scholarships: . Do you want to study in China?

Allowance: 117,000 yen per month. A supplemental regional allowance of 2,000 yen or 3,000 yen per month.
Education Fees: Fees for the entrance examination, matriculation, and tuition at universities will be waived.
Transportation to Japan: MEXT stipulates the travel schedule and route, and provides an airline ticket to grantees who will arrive in Japan during the specified period
Transportation from Japan: MEXT will provide an airline ticket to grantees who shall graduate from the accepting university and return to their home country


The duration of the MEXT Undergraduate Scholarship Program is 5 years and for the candidates who have done direct Placement, their duration of studies for the undergraduate program will be four years.


The last date to apply for the MEXT Undergraduate Scholarship Program is 1st May 2024.

Required Documents:

The following documents are required for the MEXT Scholarship Program: Do you want to study in New Zealand?

  • Application Form
  • Direct Placement Preference Form
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Certificate of Graduation School, College Attended
  • Recommendation Letter
  • Medical Certificate
  • Certificate of Enrollment
  • Certificate of Language Proficiency

How to Apply:

  • Candidates need to apply through their home country as the application process and specific schedule differ according to the country of your nationality, please inquire with the Japanese Embassy or Consulate General in your country for details. DO NOT send any application documents directly to MEXT in Japan.
  • Follow the instructions given by your Country for the application process for MEXT Japan
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