Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Global Korea Undergraduate Scholarship Program 2024

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A great opportunity for candidates who want to study in Korea. The government of Korea designed a scholarship program for international students to study in Korea on fully funded scholarships. A great opportunity for foreign students to study in Higher educational institutions of Korea in the pursuit of academic degrees that will enhance the educational relationship between Korea and the participating countries. Korean Government initiated the Global Korea Scholarship Program in 2010 and they are awarding scholarships to deserving bright students each year. 262 scholarships have been announced for international students that including the general University quota and embassy Track quota. There are 86 scholarships in the embassy track for overseas Korean and International students while in the General track, there are 167 scholarships offered by the Korean Government under the Global Korean Scholarship Program for the academic year 2024.

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There are about 43 Korean institutes that are taking part in the scholarship Program and it includes UIC, Regional, and Associate programs from the respective universities candidates can get complete information about the Global Korean Scholarship Program.79 Foreign students from 67 countries will be selected in the Embassy track while 167 scholars will be selected from 72 countries in the general track. Overseas Koreans will be selected for the Embassy track.

These scholarships are only for international citizens who have citizenships in NIIED-designated countries. Candidates who want to get a bachelor’s degree and pass higher secondary education can apply for the Global Korean Scholarship Program and will be able to study in Korea.

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instituteKorean Institutes
ProgramGlobal Korea Undergraduate Scholarship Program
OrganizationKorean Government
Eligible countriesAll over the world
Ageno limit
short details

Application Tracks:

262 scholars will be selected for GKS and it is split into two tracks:

  • Embassy Track
  • University Track

Details about these two tracks are mentioned below:

Available Universities:

Embassy Track:

Embassy Track applicants may choose up to three different universities from Type A and B and MUST apply to at least one of the universities listed under Type B. The Embassy Track following universities will accept foreign nationals for study:

Type A: In type A 24 Korean institutions will select the foreign scholars for the GKS Program

Type B: In type B 30 Korean institutes will select foreign nationals

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University Track:

In the university track, there are three programs will be offered and include the following universities:

  • UIC Program: 10 Korean Institutes
  • Regional: 30 Korean Institutes
  • Associate: 3 Korean Institute

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No of Scholars

A total of 267 scholars will be selected from different countries of the world details about the number of scholars and number of countries are as follows:

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Embassy Track:

In the embassy track, 79 International scholars will be selected from 67 countries while 7 overseas Korean scholars will be selected from 7 countries.

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University Track:

  • UIC (University Industry Corporation) program is open to all countries from all over the world and it will select 60 scholars
  • The Regional University Program will select 86 scholars from 72 countries
  • The associate degree program will select 30 scholars from 6 regions.

Scholarship Period:

  • The Bachelor scholarship Period is 5 to 7 years of which one year is for Korean language learning and 4 to 6 years for the study program
  • The associate degree course is for 3 to 4 years which 1 year is for Korean language learning and the rest of the duration for the study program
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Eligiblity Criteria:

Candidates need to meet the following criteria for eligibility:

  • Applicants or their parents must hold the citizenship of countries other than Korea
  • if the applicant’s citizenship changes during the selection process he or she will be ineligible
  • Candidates who have graduated or expected to graduate from high school or from the associate degree program
  • Candidates who have a bachelor’s degree cannot apply
  • Candidates who are about to graduate on March 31st, 2024 can apply for the GKS program
  • The age of candidates should not be more than 25 years
  • Candidates must have done 80% or more in previous exams or their CGPA must be equal to or above 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5 or 3.23/5.0
  • Candidates must be mentally and physically in good and fit condition
  • Candidates must have clear criminal history
  • Candidates who already received a Korean scholarship other than it are not eligible
  • Candidates can apply only for one track if they apply for more than one track their applications will be disregarded or rejected.

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Financial Benefits:

The Following Benefits will be provided to the successful scholars of the Global Korean Scholarship Program:

  • Monthly Allowance of 900,000KRW
  • Settlement Allowance of 200,000 KRW
  • Economy class airfare tickets
  • 100,000 KRW Proficiency Grants
  • Medical Insurance
  • Language Training fee will be waived of
  • Tuition fee will be waived off


Each country has its own specific deadline and it is decided by the Korean embassy in that participating country.

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Required Documents:

The following documents are required for the Global Korean Scholarship Program:

  • Proof of Citizenship and Family Relationship
  • certificate of Graduation ( Previous degree program from High Secondary Institute)
  • Academic Transcript
  • Proof of overseas Korean (required for relevant candidates)
  • Score report of Korean or English Proficiency Certificate
  • Copy of Awards or any other certificate
  • Copy of Passport
  • Photographs

How to Apply:

  • Candidates need to apply Online
  • Candidates need to put the official name of the university in which they are going to apply
  • Applicant’s name must match with their passport name
  • for the embassy track candidates can apply online to up to 3 universities
  • For the University track candidates can fill up the application form for only one university
  • After you submit the application selection Committee will go through your documents
  • Oral interviews will also be taken by the Selection Committee
  • Successful Candidates will receive the invitation letter and guidance report

Official Link

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